How Do We Get to the New Earth?

How Do We Get to the New Earth?

There is always the question, is the New Earth a place we journey to, or is it a state of consciousness? How do we get to the New Earth?  Do we wake up and find ourselves there?

Many people in Quantum Healing Hypnosis have had visions of a new earth, when in hypnosis.  There seems to be a consciousness and an understanding among many people that we are creating a new timeline, a new reality.  Where is that reality taking us?

In this video, I talk more deeply about what is required to jump on the timeline that is in the process of  co-creating the New Earth Reality.

Kaleah is a Visionary, Spiritual Counselor, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Author and Musician, who has dedicated her life to inspiring and healing others. Her role is to help to guide humanity through its current metamorphosis while offering a positive vision for humanity and the emerging New Earth!

2 thoughts on “How Do We Get to the New Earth?

  1. Hello Kaleah,
    Your words, your wisdom , really hit home with me . I just went thru a Dark Night , that lasted for months . I didn’t know what was happening to me, why was I hurting so much . I didn’t want to get out of bed, and I didn’t ! Then I started asking myself questions, like Jeannie what is wrong, why am I feeling so bad, I felt like I’d be in that darkness forever. Then I felt angry , when the anger came to the service , that’s when I really started asking myself where is this coming from, I was mad at almost every person I knew. Then I realized No , I’m not mad at them , I’m mad at myself for allowing them to hurt me, use me. When I finnaly told myself that the anger wasnt good for me to hold inside any longer, I let it all go. I no longer have any anger left inside tearing me apart . What a whole different world I see now.
    I Thankyou for truly trying to help people with this struggle we are all facing . To first cleanse ourselves , then we can be in a better world .
    Love , & Healing Light to Our World

    1. Thank you for sharing this Jeannie. I guide many people through the Dark Night of the Soul. It is a very painful and challenging time. I’m glad you have navigated through the worst of it! Blessings!

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