Shamanic Hypnotherapy

Shamanic Hypnotherapy

A Medicine Journey Without the Medicine


Have you ever thought about taking a plant medicine journey like Peyote or Ayahuasca? Or have you taken medicine journeys but didn’t quite find what you were looking for?  Or integrate it properly into your life?

Have you had a desire to enter deeper states of consciousness, know who you are?  Know who God is?  Connect with your soul?

Have you been dissatisfied with your life, knowing there is something more, but not knowing what that something is?

Have you been on a spiritual quest seeking answers for your life?

If you answered yes to any of this, you are not alone.  We are in a time of difficult transition, on a planetary level and so much is happening.  Many people feel they have come here for a purpose but just not clear on what that purpose is. Many feel lost, unmotivated, confused and spinning their wheels.

Most of us seek to be true to ourselves and follow the calling of our spirit, but life and all our subconscious programs might be getting in the way.  We are ready to shift with the planet into a new reality, but how?

Shamanic Hypnotherapy is a powerful solution to your desire to go deeper and embrace more of who you have come here to be.  It is a deep state of hypnosis, where you enter the Theta state of consciousness, which is a state right before going to sleep at night or right before fully awakening in the morning.

In this state a lot can happen.  We can talk to your higher self, connect with your soul, tap into your body consciousness, and remove old subconscious programs that no longer serve you.  We can timeline travel into the past or future or even a parallel reality.  We can travel and meet your future or alternate self and bring that reality back to your present.

Shamanic Hypnotherapy goes far beyond talk therapy, and works on the level of consciousness, where real change is made.  Seeds are planted that begin to sprout into a new reality.  Or in some cases you just make  Quantum Jump from your present reality to something completely different.  Once you make that Quantum Jump, you just see life different.  The programs and fears aren’t there to stop you.  You begin taking action in a way you didn’t or couldn’t before.  It can feel like a cloud has moved and you see things more clearly.  It can feel like a reset.

A Shamanic Hypnotherapy session is 2.5 to 3 hours.  It can be done remotely by Zoom and will be recorded so you can revisit the journey and gain more insight at a later time.

You will come to your session with a list of ten questions you would ask your higher self.  This is your preparation for the session.

We begin by having a conversation where I get to know you and what is going on in your life.  I ask you some deep, reflective questions and go over your questions for your higher self.

Our conversation at the beginning helps us to connect and built trust but it also sets the tone for the session.

After the initial intake I guide you into a deep state of relaxation and activate your imaginal mind, and we begin the journey.  Where we go is completely intuitive and based on where you need to go and the experience you need to have.  You can completely let go of conscious control and allow yourself to be guided and inspired from within.

Sometimes people have difficulty releasing conscious control and won’t surrender to the process.  They may be fearful, untrusting and disbelieving in their own ability to change and so they block the session.  An example might be “I don’t see anything.  I don’t get anything.  I don’t feel anything.”  They may have an expectation that is not being met or may have imagined the session going differently, like that we could completely bypass their conscious, rational mind and put it to sleep.

Only about twenty percent of people go into a somnambulistic state, which is a state where they are not consciously aware of what is happening in their session.  Most people are fully aware of what is going on and the conscious, rational mind becomes the observer.  As long as they have the ability to surrender to the process, allow it to happen as it is being guided, and allow their imagination to come out and play they can have a pleasant and successful experience.

I have been doing hypnotherapy since 1988 and only about ten percent of people are resistant to hypnotherapy.

If you question your ability to imagine and follow instructions, you might want to start with one of my self hypnosis downloads. 

Success Coaching with KaleahIf you have any questions or would like to talk to me a bit before booking a session, please contact me here.

If you feel ready to jump in and experience your first Shamanic Hypnotherapy session, you can schedule Online Here.