

Bringing the New Earth Tribe Together

The New Earth Center is a Sedona Based, Consciousness Raising Center, founded by Kaleah LaRoche.

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The New Earth Tribe are the people on the planet who are Awakening to a higher level of conscious awareness.  We recognize the power of our collective minds to create a new reality. We are not powerless! We are extremely powerful! Especially when we gather together with a common intention. People of the New Earth Tribe are either aware or becoming aware of a powerful evolutionary leap in consciousness that must happen in order for humanity to survive. We know we are instrumental in bringing this forth. We are ushering in a higher consciousness.

We are the true lightworkers, as we first find the light within and then bring this light to humanity through our collective mission and purpose. There is a bible passage in the Book of Revelations, 21. Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”[a] for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. As above, so below. Heaven represents our state of consciousness and earth is the outer manifestation of that consciousness. As we go through this evolutionary leap of consciousness, the earth too is transformed. As we awaken within, the outer reality takes on the awakened form. We are bringing the tribes together in a state of collective awakening, so that we may see our awakened state in the world around us.


What is the New Earth?

The concept of the “New Earth” was brought to us by the late hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon, who after conducting thousands of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions, discovered people from all across the globe were talking about “The New Earth.” Cannon tells us that “The New Earth” is a “heaven on earth” planet that already exists in a higher dimension of consciousness. She speaks about how a friend of hers had a vision of the earth dividing like a cell would divide, pulling into two separate earths, one being the new and the other being the old.

Ironically I had this same vision back in the year 2000. I was walking in the forest and suddenly I saw the vision of the earth dividing into two separate earths. At the time I interpreted the vision to mean the positive energies of love and light would be going one way, and the negative energies of hatred and darkness would be going the other way. I saw the two earths pulling away from each other until such a time they were no longer connected. I felt this was a vision of what is to come. I discovered that many more were having this same vision. We are being shown what is to come.

When I discovered Dolores Cannons work I got very excited. Because she was the first one who made sense of my vision. When she began speaking about “The New Earth” I resonated so deeply with her message. I knew, on some level, that we were in the process of dividing into two separate timelines; one being a third dimensional timeline and the other being a fifth dimensional timeline.

The third dimension is a state of consciousness that is based on lower frequency, lower density energies such as fear, materialism, greed, and over all service to self energies. The fifth dimension is a much higher frequency and embodies the vibration of love, compassion, forgiveness and service to others.

Cannon tells us, the New Earth is being created from the Earths Ascension process. It is raising up to a much higher vibration and will no longer be able to house the old energies of fear based thinking and the accompanying destruction. However many people are not ready to rise up to a higher level of awareness and will choose, on a subconscious level, to stay with the old earth third dimensional level of awareness. In the earlier days, prior to 2012, it was believed we would be moving to the New Earth in 2012. However in my research, 2012 is when the Earth began to move into the Photon Band, or Photon Belt:

The Photon Belt is the Galactic Plane alignment of hundreds of billions of Milky Way star systems. Our solar system orbits across this Photon Belt twice in approximately 26,000 years (Precession of Equinox). This ‘Great Crossing’ thus occurs every 13,000 years. The ‘Great Purification’ naturally occurring at this time is the result of the surge in brilliant photonic light from the Greater Central Sun out through the conduit of the Galactic Plane Photon Belt. There are times during our 26,000 year revolution around Alcyone, that our Solar System sits either partly or fully within the Photon Belt (referred to as periods of Light) and greater periods of time where our Solar System is not within this Photon Belt (referred to as periods of Darkness). https://aligningwithearth.com/galactic-photon-belt-alignment-part-1/

As we move into a higher dimension of reality that contains more light, the old programs are being purged and released. We can’t take them with us. However there is a question about what happens to those who cannot hold the light and are not doing the purging of old karmic patterns which would allow them to ascend to higher levels of consciousness?

According to the information garnered from many different Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions, Our consensus reality is actually shifting into multiple timelines. Rather than living in a truly physical reality, we are in a type of holographic reality where what we see “out there” is really a reflection on what is going on “in here.”

Many human beings will not shift their consciousness during this powerful time, so they will remain in the old 3D paradigm and will not ascend to the New Earth.

We are in the time the bible refers to as “The Ascension, which is also the time of revelations and the time of “The Rapture.” The rapture speaks of a harvesting of souls, where one is taken and one is left behind.” Those who take the bible literally may imagine that one day they will wake up and half the population will have vanished from the face of the earth, or that they themselves will vanish from the earth and be taken to heaven. It is not likely to be so dramatic. What is more likely to happen, according to Cannon, is that we will naturally pull away from those who are on a different timeline and we will naturally be drawn to those who are on the same timeline. Those ascending to the New Earth are now coming together. This is what I will refer to as “The New Earth Tribe.”

As we gather with members of “The New Earth Tribe,” we become less aware of those who are on a different timeline. Even old friends and family may begin to fall away and for a time, we may still see them occasionally, but it may feel less and less “in alignment” to spend time with those who are not on the “New Earth” timeline.

Cannon talks about how we are dimensional shifting all the time but mostly not aware of it. The phenomenon we know as “The Mandela Effect” is an example of slight variations in dimension. We are likely to have more and more experiences of feeling we are living in a completely different reality than others. We may feel we no longer belong to the world that is passing away, but have not yet found the world we belong to. We are here to help you to understand the process of ascension to the New Earth and join together as a tribe to assist each other in releasing the old and embracing the new.